Help Section Corporate Clients
Help Section

How can I upload a file?

The input of an order can be started from any page in Global Payment Plus. You enter a file upload order as follows.
  1. In Global Payment Plus, click on "New order" and select "File upload".
  2. Select the bank access and the order type.
  3. Start the upload by clicking on the upload icon and selecting the file(s) on your drive or by simply dragging it into the upload box.
  4. After the upload, click "To approval".
  5. Approve the order with the photoTAN.

Further information

  • You can upload up to 5 files of the same order type at the same time and approve them with a single photoTAN.
  • Before approving, you can view the payment details by clicking on the three dots at the right end of the uploaded file line and then on "Open".
  • You can also use the three dots to remove accidentally uploaded files before approving them.
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