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How do I integrate a third-party bank into Global Payment Plus?

The multibank capability also allows you to manage third-party bank accounts in Global Payment Plus. Integrate third-party banks in just a few steps.
  1. Select the menu item "Bank access" under "Administration" in Global Payment Plus.
  2. Click on "New bank access".
  3. Select the button "Third-Party Bank", enter the URL of the bank server as well as your EBICS data for the third-party bank access and click on "Continue".
  4. Click on "Print initialisation letter", print the letter and confirm that the printout has been made.
  5. Sign the initialisation letter and send it to your bank.

Further information

  • After your bank has activated the bank access, you can complete the initialisation. To do this, call up the bank access again and click on "Retrieve bank parameters". You will receive confirmation that the initialisation of the bank access was successful.
  • The bank access can now be used in Global Payment Plus.
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