Help Section Corporate Clients
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Where can I view my limit for payment orders?

You can view your limit for payment orders for each bank access that has been included in Global Payment Plus. To find your limits in Global Payment Plus you should use the "User permissions" area, and access as follows.
  1. In Global Payment Plus, under "Administration", select the menu item "Bank accesses".
  2. In the line of the bank access for which you want to view your limits, click on the three dots at the right end and then on " Display bank access". Alternatively, you can simply click on the line of the bank access.
  3. Click on the tab "User permissions".
  4. Under "My order types" you can see for which order types you are authorised. With the mouseover you can see which order type is behind an abbreviation.
  5. Under "Account's overview" select an order type for which you would like to see your permissions on the displayed accounts. The amount limit and the ES class (electronic signature class) for the selected order type are displayed for each account.

Further information

  • You can update the permissions displayed in Global Payment Plus if they have changed since you last recalled them from the bank server.
  • Global Payment Plus will display when the last permission retrieval was made. To retrieve again, click on "Update permissions".
  • Permission changes can be initiated by contacting the customer service of the respective bank.
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