Help Section Corporate Clients
Help Section

Why don't I see any accounts even though the bank access is set up?

You need a display permission for the accounts. A certain administration right in Global Payment Plus is required for the allocation of the display permissions.
  1. In Global Payment Plus, under "Administration", select the menu item "Bank accesses".
  2. In the line of the bank access for which you want to check and update your permissions, click on the three dots at the right end and then on "Display bank access". Alternatively, you can simply click on the line of the bank access.
  3. Click on the tab "Display Permissions".
  4. Click on the tab "Users" further down on this page.
  5. Edit the display permission of the user via the pencil icon.
  6. Activate the accounts to be displayed and save them.

Further information

  • If you cannot enter the display permission yourself because you do not have the necessary permission in Global Payment Plus, contact a user with administration permission in your company.
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